Ultima actualizare: azi, 21:33
Totul despre sex


totul despre sexEste o infectie micotica relativ benigna, dar daca reapare mereu, este o pacoste care iti distruge viata sexuala, buna dispozitie si desuurile. Pe scurt, te poate face sa te aprinzi sexual tot atat de tare ca sederea intr-o cada cu gheata.

Candida e o ciuperca pe care cele mai multe dintre femei o au in vagin tot timpul. In general este tinuta in frau de aciditatea naturala a vaginului. Numai ca pilula, antibioticele, sapunurile foarte parfumate, baile in spuma, deodorantele vaginale, sexul, sarcina, diabetul, stresul pot duce la dezechilibru. Nu este ceva modern, s-a descoperit candida si in mormintele din Egiptul antic. Barbatii, o iau si ei dar intr-o mai mica masura, care oricum trebuie tratata.

Printre simptome se numara mancarimea, o scurgere alba, branzoasa, inflamatia sau roseata vaginala si durerea in timpul actului sexual sau a urinatului.

Ti se vor prescrie antifungice, ovule sau creme, exista o tableta antifungica orala in doza unica.

Barbatul poate folosi crema sau tableta.

Reinfectarea se poate evita mancand in fiecare zi iaurt natural preparat din culturi de lactobacil si tablete si tablete de acidophilus. Mananca mai putin zahar, nu consuma alcool si produse dospite.

Vă urăm o săptămână fără crize. Orice asemănare cu realitatea poate fi adevărată!

Reclamaţii ulterioare nu se primesc!

Dr. Sorin Nichita
[email protected]


34 comentarii

  1. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  2. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  3. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  4. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  5. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  6. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  7. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  8. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  9. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  10. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  11. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  12. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  13. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  14. Larisa Trubitsina Răspunde

    Fоrmеr Yеаst Infесtiоn Suffеrеr
    Reveals The Only Holistic System In
    Existence That Will Show You How
    To Naturally Treat Candida Infections
    And Regain Your Natural Inner Balance, Using A Unique 5-Step Method
    No One Else Will Tell You About…
    Read more: fb.me/5iUjIsAwb

  15. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  16. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  17. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  18. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  19. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  20. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  21. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  22. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  23. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  24. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  25. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  26. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  27. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  28. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  29. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  30. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  31. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  32. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  33. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

  34. Mariya Kanyukova Răspunde

    This program is a must read for anyone suffering from Candida or ones like me who has ever taken antibiotics and is now experiencing any of the many problems that go along with intestinal flora imbalance. I must also add that several people in my church have been following this book and are doing great!

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