Ultima actualizare: azi, 11:23

FOTO. ,,Colindători” din Bacău la Satu Mare. Amendați de Poliția Locală și trimiși acasă

,,Colindători” din Bacău la Satu Mare. Au fost prinși prin municipiul Satu Mare, amendați de Poliția Locală și trimiși acasă.

Grupul de ,,colindători” a fost interceptat pe bulevardul Independenței din municipiului Satu Mare, după care indivizii au fost conduși la sediul Poliției Locale și sancționați.

Mai apoi, aceștia au fost duși la gara CFR, de unde vor lua trenul spre casă, la Bacău.

28 comentarii

  1. Liliana Lupașcu Răspunde

    Sa mearga e unde au venit ….n -av em nevoie de cersatori nespalati si oranici. Galagiosi murdari agresivi …. bat joc de traditii adevarate.

    • Pavel Alin Marius Răspunde

      Nespalata esti tu. Asa sa te ajute Dumnezeu si copii tai sa sufere la fel ca ei si maica sa chinuie

  2. Normalul Răspunde

    Felicitări poliției locale. NU avem nevoie de asemenea manifestări tribale care sunt o formă de cerșetorie. La muncă nu la întins mâna !

  3. La colindat Răspunde

    Fraților, ăștia au venit la PSD, PNL, USR și UDMR la colindat și voi fugărit acasa

  4. CRISTINA JONES Răspunde

    Niste cersetori nesimtiti

  5. Brandon Răspunde

    Trbuia sa le duca Supozitorul cu caruta 😀

  6. Mentopic Răspunde

    He he, dacă erau ceva musulmani care sa apere Palestina sau ceva homosexuali care sa -si ceara drepturile nu avea nimeni nimic cu ei. Dar așa, niste români care să perpetueze tradițiile și datinile românești? Nu se poate așa ceva, trebuie amendați și alungați. Păi ce, suntem în Romania sau in Europa?

    • Liliana Lupașcu Răspunde

      Ăsta nu e tradiție…… ăștia cerșesc și fac gălăgie …..agresivitatea domină la ei. Niște țărani nespălați needucați….

      • Ion Răspunde

        “Liliano”, deși n-ai crede, nu toți țăranii sunt nespălați și needucați așa cum sunt neamurile tale!

      • Ovidiu Răspunde

        Oameni fără suflet știu ca am tranzitat zona sunt reci si total neomenosi nu recomand decât în trecere spre vama petea

      • Pavel Alin Marius Răspunde

        Lupascu nespalata este maicat. Asa sa ai sarbatori la fel ca cersetorii si copiitati sa sufere ca cersetorii

  7. Varu Răspunde

    Ce aveți bă cu tradițiile?Bravo băieți.Recomadarea mea este dați drumul la câini

  8. Varu Răspunde

    Ei cu Ursu,noi cu ciobăneștii

  9. CG Răspunde

    Priviți cum acest sistem ticăloșit distruge datinile și obiceiurile creștine!
    Colindul este un obicei vechi românesc, păcat că la satul cel mare, sub oblăduirea unui primar ungur, șovin și iredentist, ni se încalcă acest drept de a ne păstra obiceiurile din moși-strămoși!
    Rușine psd-pnl-usr-udmr!

    • HBC Răspunde

      Te strânge opinca nespalatule ????

      • Ion Răspunde

        Iar opinca, bat-o vina… rau va mai doare amintirea ei fluturând pe Parlament…
        😂 mnah, știi cum spune nagymama: ez van, ez kel szeretni, asta nu o mai puteți schimba…😂😂😂
        Ceapa și ticlazau’ ei de opincă!😂

        • @ION Răspunde

          Ș-apoi Iordan o fluturat și el ptr Incalcarea ordinelor militare.

        • John Răspunde

          Apoi Ioane eu m-as lauda cu opinca :-))), stii cum e…daca asta-i sigla tarii…. Atat s-a putut. :-)))

          • Ion

            Johnika, ce stiu este ca nu am motive sa nu ma laud cu opinca…cum-necum, iată a intrat in istorie și pare ca revine obsesiv in memoria unora… ca amintirea ei doare e alta treaba; cat despre “ sigla tarii” las-o asa…barem noi, purtătorii de opinci avem o identitate definita…in rest, numai bine și la vara cald…
            Ești prea pretențios totuși să te semnezi “John”, sună mult prea britanic pentru nivelul comentariului…

          • Pentru Ion

            Nu tin minte sa fi fost mentionata opinca in cartile de istorie din care am invatat la scoala primara si in liceu…dar a fost demult insa despre “identitatea definita” toatã lumea stie cã românii a fost tot timpul aici. Au fost aici deja înainte ca Dumnezeu sã-l facã lumea. Omenirea provine din Asia, numai românii nu au venit de nicãieri, ei au picat din cer pe aceste meleaguri. Însirati numai trei familii aristocratice românesti si castelele lor din Transilvania. Nu vã obositi cã nu existã asa ceva, cum nu existã nici baroc, rokokó sau stilul secesion în cultura româneascã. Adevãrul e cã nu aveti rãdãcini în Transilvania. Stiu cã vã doare, dar asta e, iar cã dacii a fãcut sex cu romanii si au apãrut românii este un mit frumos cu care Scoala Ardeleanã a dorit sã justifice dreptul la Transilvania. :-))

        • Johny Răspunde

          Putea fi si mai rau, chilotii, daca purta sau izmenele cu urma de frana. 🤣

      • Sâcă Răspunde

        Iți răspund eu, după intrebare …Ești un Gunoi…șovin

      • Pavel Alin Marius Răspunde

        HBC nespalat e maicata

    • Santa K Răspunde

      Nu-mi amintesc de astia prin oras pe vremea lui Ceausescu.

  10. H&R Răspunde

    A agatat opinca sergentul Iordan din Craiova pe Parlamentul din Budapesta, pentru ca nu au putut fura!

    The statue in the center of the park on Szabadság tér, facing the Hungarian National Bank and partially the U.S. Embassy, is that of Harry Hill Bandholtz, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, who was Provost Marshall to General Pershing at the end of World War I.
    On August 11, 1919, General Bandholtz arrived in Budapest as one of four generals (English, French, Italian, American) to become the Inter-Allied Control Commission for Hungary, primarily to supervise the disengagement of Serbian and Romanian armies who were occupying the territory of Hungary. According to his own accounts, he is said to have prevented the arresting of Hungarian PM István Friedrich by the Romanians.
    He became famous when, on the night of October 5, 1919, as President of the Day of the Commission, mainly through bluff, armed only with a riding crop, he prevented a group of Romanian soldiers from removing Transylvanian treasures from the National Museum.
    “Into October the problems persisted, and pilfering treasures from Hungary’s museums was being reported. It was the opinion of the Romanians that since they were to be given part of Hungary’s territorial lands, they were entitled to a percentage of the items in their museums. They were ordered by the Mission to discontinue the removal of any articles.
    However, on Saturday, the 5th of October, Romanian authorities reported that the first phase of withdrawing their forces had been accomplished without incident. Both British and American observers verified this. Feeling a sense of relief, Harry went to his quarters for an evening of relaxation. However, it was on that very same evening when a report was received about Romanian Army Troops, being at the door of the Hungarian National Museum, in downtown Budapest. This building holds the nation’s most important treasures and the soldiers were making demands of the director to allow them access to the interior.
    The General heard this news, from Colonel Horowitz as he was finishing his evening meal, around 9:30 PM. He called for Colonel Loree, along with an enlisted driver, and followed Horowitz to the museum. Not in the mood for putting up with more looting, he instructed the driver to speedily get to the museum. Going down the winding cobble-stone road, from Buda Castle, they crossed over the Széchenyi lánchíd, or Chain Bridge, and on to Jozsef Attila Street, right on Karoly, and right again onto Muzeum Krt. Pulling into the circular drive of the museum, they were confronted by a group of Romanian soldiers, numbering around 40, with a dozen or so trucks. The Romanian soldiers tried to stop him, but he brushed them aside, ignoring their protests. He stormed into the museum, where he found the museum’s director, embroiled in a discussion with the Romanian Commander. The Romanian was demanding the keys, stating that if he were not allowed to enter the exhibits, he would storm the museum the following morning.
    General Bandholtz asked, “What in Hell do you think you are doing?” Brandishing his riding crop, he told the Romanian officer that the property within the museum was under the jurisdiction of the Inter-Allied Commission, he was President of the Day, and ordered the man to remove himself and his troops. The Romanian Commander tried to explain that he was under orders from Commissioner Diamandi and General Mardarescu to retrieve all articles within the museum, which had come from Transylvania. Bandholtz repeated his order that the Romanians leave the museum property, taking their trucks with them. He then received the keys, to the museum, from the Director, and left him a handwritten order, which read, ““To whom it may concern – As the Inter-Allied Commission is in charge of all the objects within the Hungarian National Museum, at Budapest, the key has been taken charge of by the President of the Day, General Bandholtz, the American Representative.” He then locked all the doors. Signs were posted on each of the doors, which read: “This door sealed by Order the Inter-Allied Military Commission. H. H. Bandholtz, President of the Day, October 5th, 1919.” He added in his diary the following day, “As the Romanians and all Europeans are fond of rubber-stamp display, and as we had nothing else, we used an American mail-censor stamp, with which we marked each of the seals.”
    The statue was erected in 1936, and stood throughout World War II with the inscription, in English, “I simply carried out the instructions of my Government, as I understood them, as an officer and a gentleman of the United States Army.” In the late 1940s the statue was removed “for repair.” It lay in a statue boneyard until the 1980s, at which time it was placed in the garden of the U.S. Ambassador’s residence, at the request of then-Ambassador Salgo. It was re-placed in Szabadság tér at its original location in July 1989, just a few days before the visit of President Bush.
    The new inscription on the back reads: “General Harry Hill Bandholtz, head of the American Military Mission, who on October 5, 1919 blocked the removal of the treasures of the National Museum to Romania.”

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